On May 23, 2017, MiBCC members are on their way to Capitol Hill for a day of advocacy.

   On May 23, 2017, MiBCC members visited Senator Stabenow. The Senator is a staunch supporter of breast cancer research funding.

On May 23, 2017, MiBCC members met with Congressman John Moolenaar (representing Michigan Congressional District 4) on Capitol Hill to talk about breast cancer and health care. MiBCC needs members and nonmembers who live in his district to let him know that his constituents care about this – contact us at mibcc@mibcc.org.

On May 23, 2017, MiBCC members visited the office of Congressman Jack Bergman (representing Michigan Congressional District 1) on Capitol Hill, and thanked him for his support to continue funding for the Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program. MiBCC needs members and nonmembers who live in his district to let him know that his constituents care about this – contact us at mibcc@mibcc.org.

